Register your interest: plasmid and mRNA QC Test Packs

The QC Test Packs use the advanced Q-Line GridION v1.1 sequencing device, alongside state-of-the-art library preparation kits. These kits enable high-quality sequencing of whole plasmids without the need for primers and sequencing of direct mRNA intermediates, drug substances, and drug products without requiring reverse transcription. Each QC Test Pack includes a detailed report with pass/fail criteria based on critical quality attributes such as identity, integrity, and key aspects of purity, ensuring comprehensive analysis for both plasmids and mRNA. Results are delivered within hours, providing rapid and reliable insights.


Plasmid Identity QC Test Pack: 1–96 tests per run, 288 tests per pack. QC Test Pack comprises: 

  • 3 x DNA R10.4.1 Flow Cells  
  • Rapid Barcoding Kit V14 reagents 
  • Flow cell priming reagents 
  • EPI2ME analysis workflow tokens 
  • Documentation (available with MTA)
mRNA Identity QC Test Pack: 1 test per run, 6 tests per pack. QC Test Pack comprises: 

  • 6 x RNA FLO-MIN004RA Flow Cells 
  • Direct RNA Sequencing Kit reagents 
  • Flow cell priming reagents 
  • EPI2ME analysis workflow tokens 
  • Documentation (available with MTA) 
Q-Line GridION v1.1 sequencing device:

  • Secure, locked hardware
  • Configured with 21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11 features compliant software