Comprehensive Germline Cancer panel - Beta testing

Thank you for your interest in the Comprehensive Germline Cancer workflow. This product is currently moving to the Beta testing phase and is currently available for PromethION (P2 Solo/P24/48) users. The end-to-end workflow, as shown in Figure 1, provides users with the wet-lab and bioinformatics protocol and includes an adaptive sampling bed-file with 241 internally curated comprehensive gene list with links to germline cancer predisposition. This panel covers entirety of the genes including exonic + intronic + promotor regions, and enables detection of SNVs, SVs and methylation markers on a haplotype level in a single experiment.
RYI Beta testing - Comprehensive Germline Cancer Panel Workflow

Figure 1: Overview of End-to-End workflow for Comprehensive Germline Cancer assay.

Register here to participate in the Beta testing programme for the Comprehensive Germline Cancer end to end workflow:

This form allows you to confirm your interest for the Comprehensive Germline Cancer workflow. If you are selected to participate, we will contact you with further information regarding this workflow. Please contact us at if you need any assistance.