Project SmidgION

Thank you for your interest in project SmidgION.

‘SmidgION’ is a new platform currently under development, which is made up of a new flow cell consumable and sequencing device. It utilises the same chemistry as our existing sequencing platforms. It features several benefits to enable low-cost, high-volume, decentralised testing:

  • Ease of use: Intuitive device and flow cell consumable, supported by our latest MinKNOW software and Epi2Me analysis workflows.
  • Accessibility: Our most affordable yet scalable nanopore sequencing platform for experts and novices alike.
  • Portability: A pocket-sized sequencer and 10-minute library preparation kits allow users to sequence and analyse their samples anywhere.
  • Rapid data generation: Up to 8 Gb (TMO) of high-quality sequencing data in 16h

The initial platform release will feature a single flow cell device that can be operated in a lab environment or in the field. It is designed to cater for a broad range of field-based analyses; potential applications may include remote monitoring of pathogens in a breakout or infectious disease; the on-site analysis of environmental samples such as water/metagenomics samples, real time species ID for analysis of food, timber, wildlife or even unknown samples; field-based analysis of agricultural environments, and much more.

Future product options will focus on scaling sequencing capacity, with provision for

  • Multiplex experiments
  • 8-flow cell devices, for compatibility with multichannel pipetting or full workflow automation
  • Validated Epi2Me workflows

If you have an application that you think would be suitable and would like to be kept up to date with
the latest information when it becomes we would love to hear from you.
