
Genome insights enabling crop innovation using PromethION

Speaker: Alexander H. J. Wittenberg, KeyGene, The Netherlands  
Date: 20th November 
Time: 3 pm (UK time), 4 pm (CET), 10 am (EST), 7 am (PST)

KeyGene in the Netherlands was announced as the first PromethION service provider by Oxford Nanopore Technologies. Combining the PromethION sequencer with the unique expertise in HMW nuclear DNA isolation from plant samples has allowed KeyGene to now routinely produce contiguous, high-quality assemblies of large and repetitive crop genomes. This allows for innovative use of the existing natural variation in plant breeding programs using genomic and genetic understanding of crop genomes. Some of KeyGene’s latest results on completed high-quality reference genomes from well over 20 major crops will be presented. Examples will be shown where new bioinformatics developments drastically accelerate the entire process of genome and pan-genome analysis of Nanopore platform generated sequencing data at KeyGene.

Speaker Bio
Alexander Wittenberg graduated with an MSc in plant breeding and crop protection at the Wageningen University and completed his PhD at theLaboratory of Plant Breeding. Here he focused on the development of innovative genotyping methods to study the origin of genome plasticity in crop plants and their wild relatives. In 2007 he joined KeyGene, where he continued his work on the development and application of molecular marker methods. Alexander acquired considerable experience in the field of next-generation sequencing, with expertise on a wide range of platforms and applications. Currently he is a scientist contributing to the development of sequence-based technologies in KeyGene’s Genome Insights innovation platform. Alexander is now actively involved in the application development for PromethION, GridION, MinION and VolTRAX, as well as bringing this technology to the market for KeyGene’s clients.

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